/ glɔssolaˈlia /


[mass noun]

1. Fabricated and nonmeaningful speech, especially such speech associated with a trance state or certain schizophrenic syndromes. 2. The phenomenon of (apparently) speaking in an unknown language, especially in religious worship. It is practised especially by Pentecostal and charismatic Christians. 3. See gift of tongues.

Origin: Late 19th century from Greek glōssa 'language, tongue' + lalia 'speech'.

Synopsis of the Work

/ ɡlɔssolaˈlia / is a soundwalk/performance that evolves through two itineraries that merge and intersect, the participants are invited to divide into two groups, each of which is led by a performer. Through this performance we want to bring the participant closer to the concept of sound space composed of the environment of the specific site and the people who are inside it at that precise moment. Each itinerary consists of three stages that will be brought to a conclusion with set times to facilitate the time-shifted intersection of the sound environments created by each group. At the end of the three stages the two groups will meet and then the roles will be reversed.
From an expressive point of view, the performance focuses its attention, and develops, the dichotomy between the open and public space of each site and the closed, private and personal one where you choose if and how to produce sound, exclusively using your body.

Special thanks to our staff, Tempo Reale and to The Factory Production s.n.c. for the video shooting.


  • September 12, 2020 Performed in Tempo Reale Festival 2020 - Unlocked Sound (Italy)
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